Stem cell bank

Birth home “Harmonija” collaborates with “IVF Riga” in collecting cord blood to preserve stem cells.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are unique cells, which can be considered to be the ancestors of all human tissues and organs. The main characteristic of these cells is their ability of maintaining their number by dividing and differentiating into different cell types. It means that every human body has the ability of self-renewal. Over time, the number of stem cells in the human body inevitably decreases.  Stem cell reserves are diminished as the body ages, suffers from serious diseases and its owner’s bad habits (smoking and alcohol use), which, in turn, decreases the body’s ability of self-renewal. Such changes in the body interfere with the normal functioning of different organs.

Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Benefits:

These cells are notably younger than bone marrow stem cells, as they have been preserved at the very beginning of the newborn’s life.

Highly compatible with brothers, sisters and other close relatives of the newborn.

During the transplantation process, stem cells present a lower risk of rejection, as they adapt quicker and almost immediately begin to rebuild the hematopoietic system.

Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Collection Process

Umbilical cord blood stem cell collection procedure is easy and harmless for both the mother and the newborn. The process is simple and easily understandable.

  • From the 30th week of pregnancy, you enter into an agreement with iVF Riga Stem Cell Center
  • On the day of the delivery, you contact the patient coordinator and inform him/her about the childbirth
  • Specially trained maternity ward medical staff (a midwife) collects the umbilical cord blood right after childbirth, but before the placental removal.
  • The courier delivers the package containing the umbilical cord blood to the laboratory for further processing
  • Laboratory specialists carry out umbilical cord blood processing, stem cell extraction and preparation for cryopreservation. At the same time, the specialists carry out a cord blood test to exclude the presence of bacteria and viruses. Until these tests are completed, the frozen samples are stored in a quarantine area, separately from other samples.
  • The extracted stem cells are placed in cryopreservation bags, which are then marked with a special label containing an individual code. The stem cells are then frozen at  –100°C.
  • After freezing, stem cells are placed in liquid nitrogen dewars for further storage at 196°C. This cryogenic technology allows to preserve stem cells for an almost unlimited period of time;
  • After isolating the stem cell concentrate and placing it in the cryopreservation facility, stem cell center issues an umbilical cord blood stem cell certificate, which shows the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the stem cell concentrate.

In Latvia stem cells can be preserved for 25 years and longer!

The only Stem Cell Bank in Latvia, banking the stem cells in Riga!


Certificate issued by the State Agency of Medicines confirms that our clinic has the permission to obtain and store stem cells in the territory of Latvia. The Tissue and Cell Use Permit No. AC-7 confirms that the laboratory has been evaluated and it complies with the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 1176, dated October 22, 2013 “Procedures for the Use of Human Tissue and Cells’’, and it is entitled to carry out laboratory examination, stem cell extraction, processing and storage of stem cells in the territory of Latvia.  


Telephone for consultations– 26600533

Address: Riga, Zaļā iela 1, 3rd floor